Vol. 7 No. 1: 2007

Articles on a variety of themes, encompassing academic, technical, and/or scientific studies on topics related to the city of Rio de Janeiro, including its metropolitan links and its placement in regional, national, and international contexts. These studies follow the formatting standards established by the Editorial Committee and published on the Coleção Estudos Cariocas journal page. Each submission is reviewed by the Editorial Committee and evaluated by two reviewers through a double-blind peer review process. 


Cimar Azevedo Pereira
Monthly Employment Survey by IBGE for the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro: 2002/2006
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Fabrício Leal de Oliveira
Notes on the Estimates of Housing Deficit in Brazil and Rio de Janeiro
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Alcides Carneiro, Renato Fialho Jr., Soraya Cristina Silva de Oliveira
Homogeneities and Heterogeneities of Metropolitan Households - PNAD-2005
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Fernando Cavallieri, Adriana Vial, Gustavo Lopes, Maurício de Almeida Abreu
Intra-urban Differentials in Rio de Janeiro: Contribution to the Achievement of Millennium Goal 11
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Luis Góes Filho, Manoel Messias Santos
Development of legend and classification of natural cover and anthropogenic features in the Mendanha Massif
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Márcia Frota Sigaud
Characterization of households in the city of Rio de Janeiro
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Marcelo Paixão
Profile of the workforce in Rio de Janeiro at the beginning of the 21st century based on disaggregated data from the PME for the city of Rio de Janeiro - 2002-2006
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Luis Góes Filho, Marilene Agrizzi Nacaratti, Brasiliano Vito Fico
Mapping of vegetation cover and land use in the Mendanha Massif: an experience in forest fragment areas of the city
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Alba Zaluar
Household victimization survey in the city of Rio de Janeiro - 2005-2006: final report
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Soraya Oliveira
Some aspects of poverty in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro according to the 2005 National Household Sample Survey (PNAD)
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.
Alcides Carneiro, Carlos Augusto Monteiro, Carlos dos Santos Silva, Elyne Montenegro Engstrom, Inês Rugani Ribeiro de Castro, Letícia Oliveira Cardoso, Renata Bertazzi Levy, Rosana Iozzi, Silvana Costa Caetano, Vanessa dos Reis de Souza, Viviane Manso Castello Branco
Monitoring system of risk and protective factors for the health of adolescents in the Public Municipal Education Network of the city of Rio de Janeiro
PDF (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.71256/19847203.