Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro
Coleção Estudos Cariocas
PDF (Português (Brasil))


nível do mar


How to Cite

Mandarino, F. C., & Arueira, L. R. (2012). Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise in the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro. Coleção Estudos Cariocas (Carioca Studies Collection), 9(1).


Coastal cities will be particularly vulnerable to climate change, with one of the notable consequences being the potential rise in average sea level. In the case of Rio de Janeiro, the Metropolitan Region is densely populated and mostly situated on low-lying coastal lands, with the exception of coastal massifs (Tijuca, Pedra Branca, etc.) and the escarpment of the Serra do Mar to the north. Within this context, and with the necessary care that the subject demands, this study's main objective is to analyze the results of the mapping carried out by the authors under the scope of the Pereira Passos Institute (IPP) of the City Hall.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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